Monday, December 25, 2006
Merry Christmas To All....
Hope everyone had a good morning. I know I sure did! Mom woke me up around 7:30 this morning and I learned how to prepare a turkey. Shortly there after, Aunt JoAnne arrived and we all gathered in the living room to open presents. Santa sure was generous this year! Michael and I got everything we wanted and then some. I got several DVDs; a nice, big TV; a DVD/VCR player and a real cool air pump that plugs into the lighter in my car. The air pump is a really great gift because my car tires are constantly low...and I hate the idea of paying for's air, for pete's sake!! Anywho....This morning was really nice- relaxing and fun. We are heading over to Aunt Julie's at one to meet the whole family for Christmas dinner. Can't wait for that turkey!!!
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
I'm Gonna Slap Him Upside His Bulbous, Over-Inflated Head....
Medical Anthropology: A
Advanced Composition: A
General Biology: B
Organic Chemistry: C
Wait, what was that?? C in Organic??? I KNOW!!!! How is it that I can basically fail all the tests we had and still get a C in this class? The professor's curve must be more like a freakin circle! I swear to Pete...(NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION....We'll come back to that) I spent this entire semester nearly giving myself an ulcer. Apparently, the grading scale consists of: test grades, lab grades, general feeling toward the student, eenie-meenie-minie-mo and some dice rolling. Jeez...glad I got my undies in a bunch over that. Not that I am ungrateful for the nudge into passing land...I just think the whole power trip thing the professor had going wasn't really necessary....hence the title of this post.
Now- (from above) New Year's Resolution Explanation....
I know it's a little early, but I already have my New Year's resolution all ready to go. *Drum roll please*: I am going to clean up my language. Apparently, I have been channeling my inner sailor for a while now. Nothing like a little foul language to class a girl up....
So, here's the plan:
Step one- swearing is out...fillers are okay...shoot, dang, crap, friggen, etc. However, figgen may be borderline...jury is still out.
Step two- No more "God" exclamations....which is where Pete comes in (I don't know any Petes so that is why I used that I just like it) Listen for more phrases like "honest to Pete", "Mother of Pete" or the good ol' standbys of "Honest to goodness" and "goodness gracious"....hmmm maybe this step is a little overboard... blue hair dye anyone?
Monday, December 18, 2006
And She's Back in the Game.....
First off: Tall, Dark and Handsome, aka Mike, and I are officially a couple. Wahoo, I know. *insert my happy dance here* He is such a sweetheart..none of that crap the girls told me about him being a jerk has been at all apparent. We exchanged gifts and he got me the newest Deirks Bently CD, The Devil Wears Prada DVD and a box of chocolates. However, not just any chocolates...he went all over in search of a box that was filled with only coconut filled dark chocolates...MY FAVORITE! Delicious! He also gave me a small key and heart charm on a chain....he said it was the key to his heart....AWWWWWWWWWWW Makin' ya sick yet?? ;)
I am finally home for Christmas break. I thought this semester was never going to end. Umm Organic Chemistry??? Freakin kill me..... I'm pretty sure I bombed that final. I have to retake the class for sure because the grade is no where near high enough to get into optometry school. However, I found out before the final that I could OUT AND OUT FAIL the whole class and still have a high enough GPA to stay in the honors a little pressure was taken away. I also had a Biology final, but thought it wasn't that bad. I will get all of my final grades tonight after 7pm....I hate that they take so long to be posted. Ulcer anyone?
I totally revamped my schedule for next semester. I decided not to take Organic Chemistry 2 with the professor I just had because we obviously didn't work well together. His teaching style didn't match my learning style and I refuse to kill myself again next semester just to have to retake the class again anyway. I am going to wait until next year and start with orgo 1 and go through orgo 2 with a different professor. I would have taken a different professor this semseter, but the one I want is on sabatical for a year... crap. Anyway, I switched some classes around, dropped a couple and added some new ones. So here it is:
*Biology 2
*Human Anatomy and Physiology
*Human Sexuality
*Principles of Accounting
Hmmmm a little science, anyone?
Went to the dentist and the optometrist today. Good news: no cavities. Bad news: My vision prescription radically changed. Apparently I am blind..okay, not really....but I couldn't see far away before and in the last 2 years I have developed pretty bad astigmatism and now have trouble seeing up close as well as far away. I am currently trying contacts and *good lord almighty* they are difficult to get used to. It took me about 7,895,976 tries to get the friggen things in at the office....and of course that process ruined my eye makeup. I left looking like somebody rubbed my face in the carpet and then made me cry. The doctor even said I looked like I was in a fight...lovely, thanks. I was doing fine seeing out of them earlier, but just in the last hour or so they have gotten kind of hazy on me...maybe I should go clean them. (If there is a lot of typos in this post, I apologize...I can't see the screen very well.)
I am going to try and keep up with the posts over break, but I have to do them from my home computer. My laptop....aka the crap heap.....has been sent in to the manufacturer to be fixed..AGAIN. Anyway-I'll be back, but don't expect an everyday appearance...I can only handle so much dial-up internet. ;) Phew...Feels good to be back!
Saturday, December 09, 2006
So Sorry
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
*Thanksgiving was wonderful....mmmmm amazing food, family and loooooots of time off...perfect
*Tall, dark and handsome (or TDH as we will call him) is still tall, dark and handsome....but I'm also finding him to be sweet and thoughtful....yupp he's great...I know you are jealous ;) mmm*happy*
*Two weeks of classes left before exams...where did the semester go?!?
*Got together with the Ludington Girls this, dinner, shopping and then ice cream....I LOVE my friends
*Playing in a volleyball tournament this weekend...pray to God I don't injure myself....going tonight to play a bit....I'm a lil rusty
*Only Tuesday, and I feel like it's been eons since the weekend....looking forward to the coming weekend...*sigh*
Okay...I think that's news you all have missed....riveting, huh? ;) Off to study....exams are approaching!! *gulp*
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Tall, Dark and Handsome
A few weeks back a guy I know, Mike, asked me a couple times to come play basketball with him at the gym. I couldn't go because of all the crap going on with my classes. However, things have lightened up a bit with class now. So early in the week, on Wednesday...I think, I asked Mike to go shoot around for a while and we got to talking and really clicked. When I got back to school on Friday, we started chatting and he asked me out to a movie with him later that night. We went and saw the new Bond movie.....good by the way, Die Another Day was better, but still good. Anyway, we thought it would be busy so went went about a half hour early and chatted nonstop until the movie started. I had a great time; he is very sweet and is such a gentleman- opened doors, etc. Nice change from some other losers I have been around lately.
Yesterday, I got up and decided to go shoot around and asked him to join me. We went and played for about an hour and then he asked me if I wanted to come watch the Michigan/Ohio state game with him. I agreed (*HECK YES*), got showered and walked over. We watched the game, and then he took me out to dinner at AppleBee's. It was pretty early when we finished eating, and things we going so well, he came back to my room to watch a movie. Again, we had a great time...talking is easy and comfortable and he makes me laugh. He is very, very shy and reserved. He doesn't say much at first, but once you get him going, he really opens up.
Our personality types seem to mesh quite well. He has a great sense of humor...very similar to mine. He is also working toward the same degree as mine (bachelor of applied biology), but for physical therapy...(he's a year older though). I'm not really sure where this is going to's still very early and I'm taking it slow....but this one may have potential.
Oh and one of the best parts...I finally found a tall guy....he's 6'6"
MMM tall, dark and handsome :D
Sunday, November 12, 2006
I Can't BELIEVE I Missed It!!!
Okay...this story will be better in stream of conciousness:
Me: I really like that show....I am glad it is moving to Thursdays after Grey's....Grey's is sooo good....mmmmmm McDreamy...*pause here for a couple fantasies*....Okay so Men in Trees after Grey's...dang...worth it, but late night....hope I don't have tests or crap on this last Thursday night spent at the library for Friday's organic chemistry test.....wait a second....Thursday?? Library till 11pm??...OH MY GOD!!! I missed Grey's Anatomy!!!!!! WHAT WAS I THINKING????...oh I know....homolytic bond cleavages and bromonium ions....CRAP!
Okay stream over. I know, I know, school comes first. But DANGIT! I NEVER miss Grey's...and I didn't even remember enough to tape it. Fricken chemistry...another reason to hate it. Kaitlyn realized she missed it too and watched it online....guess I will have to do that's just not the same.
Well, now it is off to bed for this little one. A biology test is waiting for me at 9am tomorrow morning. You can't even comprehend the level of excitement I am trying to control over that. *In case you missed it, that was just a little sarcasm inserted there.....* :D
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Catchin' Up...
Thursday of last week I decided that Friday morning classes would be just fine without me and I packed up and went home. I needed a break from cubicle of a dorm room and dang it, I needed a hug from my Mommy.
Friday morning, my Michael's physics class shot off their trebuchets. They worked in small groups and all built these awesome machines. They flung pumpkins, water bottles, etc. It was so awesome to watch. Michael's group did AWESOME! It may be sisterly pride, but I think theirs was by far the best. It shot the most consistanly and launched that stuff!
Here is the trebuchet and if you look in the air, that silver blob is a 5lb weight they just launched.
And again....this time the blob is a big jug of water...sweet explosion when it landed too!!
Saturday and Sunday were nice relaxing days with my Mommy. I got a ton of homework crap done that I had been putting off for a while. Michael, Mom and I all went to dinner together(Daddy was out of town) at Logan's Roadhouse on Saturday night ......MMM Good food!
Yesterday I went to the library for a couple of hours to research for a paper due tomorrow...yeah I put it off a little. I hammered out 5 pages last night and finished the last 5 today. My research paper had to be 8 to 12 pages....on recycling..wa-freakin-hoo. Amazing how much crap I can pour out on to paper....I wish we got topics that fired us up and made us want to do our papers. But hey, whatever, I'm happy it's done.
Today, you can just call me miss productivity. I finished my paper this morning including all of the documentation of sources, spent an hour and a half at the library studying organic chemistry and even went running for an hour! Getting my crap finished and out of the way felt FANTASTIC!
To celebrate my productivity, I spent the rest of my evening lounging around. I went across the hall to see the Kaits. We were watching TV and saw an older woman with her hair in pig tails. We got talkin about it and decided the cut-off age for pig tails is 23 and even younger if you look stupid. Well, we had to compare pig tails and of course cameras were present.
We are so random....and I think my cut-off age was a long time ago....
Why is my mouth open?? *note to self: keep mouth shut in look goofy* Maybe we will bring the "pig tail look" back...followed by stretch pants, "winderbreaker" suits and sweatshirts with iron-on pictures and puffy paint...yeah I'm not holding my breath ;)
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Teaherisms #4: We've Got Chemistry!
Screw It! Parts One and Two
I got up this morning, had my yogurt smoothie, took my shower, got ready and went to class. By my third class this morning, my stomach was GROWLING. Yup, the liquid diet isn't cutting it. I came back to my room and decided to go get lunch. I got down to the cafeteria, took one look at the soups and said SCREW IT. They had pasta alfredo for lunch so I grabbed a LARGE container and stocked up. And guess what? It was freakin' AMAZING (once I let it cool down.)
As part of my Medical Anthropology class, we are required to do a service learning project. I chose Big Brothers Big Sisters for my project. I would be set up with a child from the community to mentor. Well, I filled out my information at the end of August, had my interview in the beginning of September and have been playing phone tag with the coordinator and his secretary since then. I need to know the name of my little sib and I called the coordinator several times, and then his secretary who gave me his cell number. Well, he didn't answer that either and didn't return my call. I called the secretary back and she said she would contact him and get back to me. She got through to him and called me back and said I could just show up at the school for lunch whatever day was good for me and the coordinator would be there because he is there everyday. Umm, you couldn't tell me that TWO WEEKS AGO??!?!?? So, I went to the school today, stood around for 20 minutes, and guess what? THE COORDINATOR WASN'T THERE!!! ARGHHHH This is so frustrating! I have wanted to do this program since high school. However, the total lack of structure and ability to return a friggen phone call makes me want to just forget about it. If I weren't required to do this project for class, I would have said SCREW IT a loooooooooooong time ago.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Things I Inherited From Mommy
Here is a running list:
*Funky fingers
*Exact same shade of hair...but haha, mine has curl :P
*Same laugh (hahahaha, girly "hic", followed by a long sigh....get us together, it's a hoot!)
*Pretty much my whole face....
*Nice, straight teeth....I don't think I ever thanked her for that one (thanks Mom)
* Same exact eye color
*Ability to make my lip quiver on both sides of my face (think of a snarling dog...very attractive)
*Short waist (AKA leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeegs.....neck....head -sorry no credit for the legs tho...thanks Dad)
Little of This....Little of That
*Still can't really eat solid foods...mmm soup broth and the mushy, cooked apples from an apple cobler....dinner of champions. :/
*What is it about Celine Dion songs that require you to sing the top of your lungs? "BECAUSE YOU LOVED ME!!!!!!" I feel sorry for the people living next door.
*Is dusty rose nail polish "old ladyish?" I can't decide....I think the glitter helps though.
*My medical anthropology teacher likes to push the limits. We were talking about gender and sex in class and she asked how you know if you are heterosexual, homosexual or bisexual. Someone said your hormones decide for you. She (jokingly) said, "What so you are a man that doesn't have testosterone and you are a fruitcake.... or you do have testosterone and are Magnum PI?" Ummm HILARIOUS...not very poltically correct though...
*I could honestly give up my left arm to have some pasta alfredo right now.....and actually be able to eat it. Take the arm, I really don't use it that much.
*Organic test number 2 in a week and 3 days....THE FATE DECIDER......*gulp*
*Love it when I can play connect the dots on my face. So nice of my zits to line up to perfectly create an outline.... OOO look! A bunny!
*Upside of not being able to eat-dropped 6lbs in 2 days....give me one day of eating and I will gain 12 to make up for it.
Monday, October 30, 2006
Pop Tarts Be Damned!....AKA I'm An Idiot
Sunday, October 29, 2006

Saturday, October 28, 2006
Never Too Old For Halloween
Kait and Me... the good, the bad, but no ugly :D
Extreme Close-up!
Kait and I weren't the only ones to dress's actually really popular. The guy in the middle is Joe who lives down the hall. He went as a Mormon for Halloween.
Battle of epic proportions! Couldn't resist this pic...too funny!
Ahhh, I love Halloween!!
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Saturday, October 21, 2006
The Cutest Girls In The World

Aren't we freakin' cute?!?
Thursday, October 19, 2006
1) School isn't a piece of cake anymore- I'm gonna have to work my butt off
2) I can't fix someone to make them what I need..... and I shouldn't have to
3) I'm worth the effort
4) Trying to make something work, even though I know it won't, is pointless and eventually leads to pain
5) Boys are idiots
Kaitlyn and I walked and talked for a good hour and a half and she helped me fully cement these thoughts. I need to get my priorities straight and stop worrying about things I can't change. It's a lifesaver to have someone close to bounce ideas and emotions off of and not worry about judgements. Thank God for good friends.
A Morning Must
You make it through class, go get a double JavaNilla Mocha and throw on some fast-paced songs like Fergie's "London Bridge" and Nitty's "Nasty Girl" and DANCE, DANCE, DANCE!
Good Morning! It's going to be a beautiful day! :D
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Venting...You Betcha'
I am screwing up left and right. I took an exam yesterday in biology. I studied- a lot, and went in to take the exam feeling really confident. I breezed through the exam no problem and felt equally confident when I left. However, I got my grade back today and found out that I got a 64%. OUCH. Coupling that with the 65% I got last week in organic chemistry, I am just blazing through this semester. I am so stressed that I am an emotional basket-case. I find myself wanting to curl up in my bed with the blinds closed, ignoring everyone and crying a little....okay, a lot. Pathetic, I know.....just how I am feeling.
Alright....venting here has helped a little. Don't worry, Mom; I'm not switching my major nor am I getting married and/or pregnant any time soon. And yes, I am going to the gym to pump up my endorphins...okay...that was a lie..... :D TTFN
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Here Kitty, Kitty, Kitty
Friday, October 13, 2006
Home Happenings

Here is Michael and I....this is his serious face. He says it adds a real "something" to the picture.
The boy cracks me up...I love this pic!
There we go.... finally got the whole "look at the" thing down.
Aunt Julie, Uncle Kevin, Joyce and Sam joined us later in the evening. Here is Joyce and I...all smiles. :)
Okay...we aren't 21, so these are our pretend drunk faces....Apparently Joyce is a stoner-drunk and I'm the obnoxious, happy drunk. Oh by the way, our "can of beer" is actually Sprite. We're goofballs, but we think we're funny. :D
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Contact Webster's
Monday, October 09, 2006
Daddy's Girl
He won't be good enough!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Teacherisms #4: Food and Such
She explained that fact with this story:
"I was talking to guy and he asked if he could dunk his doughnut in my coffee. I was confused; I didn't know what he meant- I didn't even have any coffee. And then I realized he meant he wanted to have sex with me and then have breakfast the next morning."
Dear was a sea of baffled and slightly horrified looks followed by roars of laughter. I mean, really, what do you say to that?
Then, a little bit later, we were talking about holidays and the significance of foods. She asked, "You don't get big-ass turkeys for Fourth of July, do you? I didn't think so...besides, what would you do? Throw the whole thing on the grill??"
Again, baffled looks and roars of laughter.....At least this class is entertaining.
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Home, Hoods and Rubber Boots


Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Teacherisms #3: That's a Cheery Thought
"On my way into work this morning, there was a beautiful rainbow. It was probably much too early for all of you; you were probably still tucked in bed. But anyway, there was a beautiful raindbow stretched accross the sky....symbolizing hope maybe? I don't know. Shortly there after, a huge black thundercloud rolled in, explaining why you are all soaking wet from the rain. However to me, that black cloud symbolizes a snuffing out of all the hope. Okay on to your tests..."
Oh gee....that makes me feel great...yeah! Bring on that test...all the hope has been snuffed out!!
Apparently he wasn't refering to my test though....I got a 94% :D (Just so you know, there is a huge, gloating smile on my face)
Monday, September 25, 2006
Teacherisms #2...AKA: Can She Say That?
College tuition: thousands of dollars
Books for class: hundreds of dollars
Pack of mechanical pencils: 4 dollars
Hearing your Doctorate-certified professor yell "boobies": priceless
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Night With the Girls
This is Laura and I....she's an honorary Ludington Girl...such a sweetie!
Di and I look like we're in the ice capades.... AND LIFT!
Meg and I acting like goofballs...what else is new?
Apparently I missed the memo that this was supposed to be a sultry photo....rar!
Ahhh...gotta love these girls! :D
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Spreadin' Some Happiness


Monday, September 18, 2006
Beyond the Gates of Hell....
So Friday night rolled around and me and a couple of girls from my floor decided to take a lil' trip to Wal-Mart and peruse the goods...and I definitely don't mean the locals. When entered the store we noticed it was all decked out for Halloween. We were oohing and aahing over the candy...until we saw the gates of hell (a blow-up entryway with a beckoning Grim Reaper). Now, being the adventurous types that we are, we couldn't just pass up a chance to pass through the gates of hell (never would have guessed the entrance to hell was at Wal-Mart...I would have figured it would be at Mejiers on a Saturday, but anyway...) Well, we passed through and what do you know....found more Halloween stuff....even pets!

Kirstie found an adorable kitten that just begged to be held....

And scratched under the chin. I think he likes it!

Deirdre and I found pets too! I found an adorable mouse and she found a feathered friend! Who knew Wal-Mart was the place for pets?

Tragically, our pets had to be left behind due to dorm pet regulations...nothing other than fish. Thankfully, the kitty found a good resting spot before we had even walked away. Those really expensive shirts should keep him warm for a while and I'm sure with a face like that, it won't be long until someone else adopts him.
Sunday, September 17, 2006

I filled her room with streamers and balloons displaying offensive names and phrases.


And then the best part of my whole revenge.....BRUTUS THE BIG BROWN SQUIRREL!

I posted the pictures on facebook last night thinking she wouldn't see them...I was wrong. I had a voicemail last night, "you slut-faced hoebag skank.... IT'S ON!" We'll see about that.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Helena, Sheila, Barbie, Sally and Phenomena....

Here we are proudly displaying our handywork- but if anyone asks, it wasn't us.....
My creation number one: Helena The Hooker Hog.....notice the cleavage and sexy Virgina Slim Cigarette...yummy
My creation number two: Sheila The Slutty Sheep...notice the under-boob escapage and the skank tat....
Kaitlyn D's first creation: Barbie The Bootycall Bunny....notice the tight, SHORT leather dress and really comfortable looking heels.....
Kaitlyn D's second creation: Sally The Abused Skank first Kait tried putting purple eyeshadow on Sally, but there was an accident....we are now blaming Sally's black eye on Brutus The Big Brown Squirrel. Also notice the fishnets and working-woman pumps....gotta sell those flowers, baby!
And last but not least, Kaitlyn P's creation: Phat Phenomena....notice the "boob squishing, fat mooshing" corset and Fullet (female mullet)....mmm.mmm.
So there you have it; crayons and coloring books aren't just for kids.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Last night was our first game and the first time we wore our shirts...of course we photograhed the occasion!

The team....(Back L-R: Stephen, Derek, Me, Kait Front: Meg)

This is our strategy....distract the other team and...DOMINATE!

Rockin' the sparkly, pink puffy paint!

Our game was at 9pm and took about an hour. We played two games and won both. Wahoo! Looks like it is going to be a good season!