Monday, October 30, 2006

Pop Tarts Be Damned!....AKA I'm An Idiot

Two days ago I decided to have a little snack on a warm, sweet strawberry pop tart. I opened up the package, popped it into the microwave and started doing something's what I do best- MULTITASK. But anyway, the microwave dinged and I pulled out my snack, eager to appease the bear in my belly. I didn't pay attention to how much time I had punched into the microwave; I just broke a piece off and popped it into my mouth... BAD PLAN. The filling was burning hot and became like tar that sealed to the roof of my mouth. I tried to rinse it with water, but it was too late. The pop tart burned my mouth so badly that it was an instaneous mass of can you say ewww? Yeah, Eww. So now my mouth is all sick and bubbly and I don't get to finish my snack...I am ticked. Fast forward a day (yesterday)....Hey! The bubbles are gone! but so is the skin....Is this better? I think not. No solid foods for me. Bring on the mashed potatoes, jello, applesause, know, sick food. Too bad I don't have the "sick appetite." Liquids don't really fill you up and dang it, it sounds like the bear in my belly invited a couple of buddies over.

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