Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Little of This....Little of That

*Aunt Julie, Sam, Joyce and Michael came to visit yesterday. So good to see everyone! Had fun taking crazy pictures, eating yummy dinner and picking out a new sweatshirt. Thanks Aunt Jules!

*Still can't really eat solid foods...mmm soup broth and the mushy, cooked apples from an apple cobler....dinner of champions. :/

*What is it about Celine Dion songs that require you to sing along...at the top of your lungs? "BECAUSE YOU LOVED ME!!!!!!" I feel sorry for the people living next door.

*Is dusty rose nail polish "old ladyish?" I can't decide....I think the glitter helps though.

*My medical anthropology teacher likes to push the limits. We were talking about gender and sex in class and she asked how you know if you are heterosexual, homosexual or bisexual. Someone said your hormones decide for you. She (jokingly) said, "What so you are a man that doesn't have testosterone and you are a fruitcake.... or you do have testosterone and are Magnum PI?" Ummm HILARIOUS...not very poltically correct though...

*I could honestly give up my left arm to have some pasta alfredo right now.....and actually be able to eat it. Take the arm, I really don't use it that much.

*Organic test number 2 in a week and 3 days....THE FATE DECIDER......*gulp*

*Love it when I can play connect the dots on my face. So nice of my zits to line up to perfectly create an outline.... OOO look! A bunny!

*Upside of not being able to eat-dropped 6lbs in 2 days....give me one day of eating and I will gain 12 to make up for it.


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