Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Itchy, Itchy, ITCHY!

OOOO....I'M ITCHY!!! And it's my own dang fault too.

A couple of days ago, I rubbed some B and B Works shimmer lotion on my arms and a little on my upper chest/neck. My arms started to itch, but the feeling went away in about 25 minutes and no rash appeared, so I forgot about it. Well, yesterday, I went to the tanner in the morning, around 10ish. I was fine all day yesterday, but this morning I woke up around 1:30am and my neck was itching sooooooo bad. I put Benadryl cream and cortisone cream on it, took Benadryl pills and nothing was helping. The itching was driving me bonkers.

Around 3 today, I couldn't take it any longer and knew I wouldn't be able to sit through class.
I skipped my anatomy class and headed over to the heath center. It was an hour wait, but I got a lot of studying done, so I don't feel too horrible about missing class. Anyway, the doc looked at it and thought that the rash is probably from that lotion still being in my skin and reacting with the UV light. They gave me some cream, pretty much triple strength Benadryl, and said it should go away in a couple days. I hope so, formal is on Saturday and nobody wants an itchy, rash covered that would suck a lot of fun outta the experience for me too.

Mom always says I shouldn't go to the tanner....I guess my skin is taking her side.

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