Thursday, January 31, 2008

Smart Ass.

Our blinds in our apartment are crap.....CRAP. They are old and brittle, and most of them don't even work. The set on the front windows won't open on one side, and if you open the other side, you have to fiddle with them for forever just to get them to close again. Normally, my roommates and I are like cave-dwellers...perfectly happy to keep the blinds closed and hole up in the semi-dark.

About a month ago, the blinds began to become a problem...well one set anyway. The set of blinds in the dining room have been taking a beating ever since the pong table was built. People brush past the blinds over and over, so many rows were bent and one or two were actually broken off.

Two weeks ago we had a major accident...Deirdre was trying to prove how crappy our blinds were to the people in our apartment...and oopsy daisy...

...a huge section broke off.

A few days ago, I was talking to D saying that I felt like someone could easily watch us from the head-sized hole. I said I was always paranoid that I would come down in the morning to shower in the downstairs bathroom, and I would find a big eyeball staring at me in my little robe.

Well, guess what I found the next morning.

It's a big eyeball.

I guess I wasn't just being paranoid.

She's such a smart ass. :D

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