Monday, January 14, 2008

Kicking Booty and Taking Names

Today was my first day back in class....what an oh-so-excellent-I-love-my-life kinda day! My classes were GREAT. Never have I had the first day of class go by and come home with a feeling of yes! I am going to kick booo-tay!....until today. Classes today were:

Sociology: my professor is actually blind, which will be interesting I think. He was a conference today so we had a sub, and the real prof can't be any worse than this guy. He was a total cornball....however, he let us out in ten minutes which if I didn't have class again directly after that, I would have much appreciated. I already started reading the text, (quiz on Wednesday already), and it is really interesting...thankfully not the dry-put-this-pen-in-my-eyeball-please-oh-god-kill-me-what-were-those-6-parargraphs-i-just-read variety. I'm interested to see how the class actually goes...supposed to be lots of discussion and group work...easy.

Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry: this prof was great...really nice and seems super helpful...a TMI guy, but still helpful. Should be easy to get a good grade due to the fact that he drops your lowest exam score, or if your total score of quiz points is lower than your lowest exam, he drops ALL of your quiz points. Plus he gives extra bonus points and lots of homework. Again I say, *should* be easy to pass. Just finished the 6 pages of homework assigned far, so good.

Concepts in Physics: this prof was a little crusty and a bit gruff, but looooooooves physics and wants students to do well. This is basic, high school level physics...don't have to memorize formulas and he drops your lowest exam score, two lowest quizzes, two lowest labs and two lowest homework grades. Woot.

Tomorrow I have Medical Parasitology and I can't wait. I love learning about all the icky crap that is out there (that ironically, most of the time ends up affecting your crap). I got the textbook yesterday and the pictures are uber-graphic....Deeee-lish. Depending on how it is presented, this could be a really great class...I'm really looking forward to it.

I also have work tomorrow at 8am...which I am not looking forward to (the time, not the actual job). Should be same as last semester...paid to wash dishes and do my homework...double the hours though.

All in all....excellent first day back. All is well and dandy in my little world... and 'tis my birthday on Wednesday...this is me getting excited :D

1 comment:

jt said...

I'm so happy for you, Chelle Belle! Sounds like an excellent semester for you. Yay! My favorite part is, of course, more blog posts from you.
Auntie J.