Oh...I feel so guilty. Icky, horrible guilt.
My fish is dead. I killed him.
My fish made all kinds of noise; he would go to the top of the water and blow bubbles...blurp blurp blurp....and the go to the bottom and move the glass stones in his tank....tink tink tink....so loud he would wake me up, if I was lucky enough to fall asleep in the first place. Last night he was so loud, I took him to the kitchen. This morning I talked to Mom and she said I should just flush him...okay, sounds easy enough. Well, I told the girls what I was going to do, and they flipped...."Don't flush a live fish! I don't want him swimming in our toilet!" Yeah, yeah, yeah, alright....and besides, he was looking at me like he knew what was coming.
So, to fix the live-fish-in-toilet problem, we decide to kill the fish in the bowl first and then flush him. Deirdre suggested soap; a quick swallow or two and he would be dead. We saw no problem with this logic so she added a big squirt.....yup, we soaped him. Did he die? NO....in fact, he seizured a couple time and then started bleeding from his gills. We are all screaming..."Oh God! I killed him! Wait, he's bleeding.....AHHHH make him go away!! DIE...Why won't you DIE?!?" We could take it anymore and so I took him to the bathroom. The little bugger sat directly in the middle of his tank, staring at me, and feebly opening and closing his mouth. Greeeaaat....that sight is going to haunt me for a while. I finally tipped his bowl into the toilet and sent him swirling to his final fishy resting place. He's gone, but I still feel guilty....I'm a fish killer....a big soap-squirting, fish killer. :(
Monday, August 27, 2007
Sunday, August 26, 2007
New Year, New Schedule
9-10am: Organic Lecture
10-11am: ISYS
1:30-2:45pm: Microbiology Lab
3-4:15pm: Genetics
9-10am: Organic Lecture
12-3pm: Organic Lab
3-4pm: Microbiology Lecture
9-10am: Organic Lecture
10-11am: ISYS
1:30-2:45pm: Microbiology Lab
3-4:15pm: Genetics
12-3pm: Work
3-4: Microbiology Lecture
9-10am: Organic Lecture
10-11am: ISYS
9-10am: Organic Lecture
10-11am: ISYS
1:30-2:45pm: Microbiology Lab
3-4:15pm: Genetics
9-10am: Organic Lecture
12-3pm: Organic Lab
3-4pm: Microbiology Lecture
9-10am: Organic Lecture
10-11am: ISYS
1:30-2:45pm: Microbiology Lab
3-4:15pm: Genetics
12-3pm: Work
3-4: Microbiology Lecture
9-10am: Organic Lecture
10-11am: ISYS
Friday, August 24, 2007
Hello from College!
Hello all! I am all moved in to my apartment back at school and I LOVE it!! We have a townhouse style apartment, so we have a living room, dining room, kitchen, bathroom, and storage closet downstairs and four bedrooms, a bathroom and a linen closet. Our dining room and kitchen are completely put together...all cupboards are organized, etc. The living room is a little scattered yet; we are waiting on some furniture that is being brought by Mom and Dad tomorrow.
Kaitlyn and I are sharing the downstairs bathroom. It is done in black, white and yellow and is plain, but cute and very functional.

The view from the door....

The wall to the right inside the door....

The wall across from the door (same wall as looking in).....
The wall to the left of the door....
The wall the door is on (looking into my closet)......
Kaitlyn and I are sharing the downstairs bathroom. It is done in black, white and yellow and is plain, but cute and very functional.

My room is soooooooo great. I love the way it turned out; the pictures look great and it is super cozy. I love being in my room, and it will be great for studying.

The wall to the right inside the door....

The wall across from the door (same wall as looking in).....

The girls and I are acclimating to living with each other in such close quarters. We are getting along very well and having a really great time. Deirdre and I went today to go grocery shopping for the first time which was fun, but eye opening at the same time; I didn't realize how expensive groceries are and how tempting it is to just throw things in the cart....thank goodness we made a list first! Dee and I also went to the gym this morning. We walked there....chances of gaining lots of weight this year are slim to none if we continue to walk everywhere...quite a little hike!
I feel like this is going to be a really great year for me. I love the apartment and our neighbors. We are already making friends. The maintainence guys for the complex are our age and live across from us. We met when we first moved in and made a point to talk and get to know them. We are getting to be pretty good friends and now we are getting all the problems in our apartment fixed in dang good time! I feel like I am in an environment that is going to be really great socially as well as for classes. Everyone is really friendly and the apartment/my room is perfect for studying. I am soooooo happy!
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Junior Pictures At Dow Gardens
Friday, August 10, 2007
Rants.....And A Raving Good Time
Oi! What a morning.... I got up early this morning to run some errands in town. I made myself presentable and headed into the bank; I needed a money order made. I went today to have fingerprinting done for my job, and the company that does the background check only accepts money orders. I had a lovely little chat with the teller-fellow at the bank and got my money order, no problem. I then headed over for my appointment to have my printing done, made my way to the third floor, followed all their signs to a dark deserted classroom and come to find out...no fingerprinting for me. The woman behind the desk informed me that I had the wrong form, even though I got it from them. Apparently, I was supposed to just know that the form was for teachers getting background checks, not people in the health field. Well, how stupid of me. Turns out, my employer has to go online, register me, fill out a form and then I can go get fingerprints. Now, this would not have been so frustrating (I was trying very hard not to kick the lady in the shin...or face) if this was the first time something went wrong with my fingerprinting.
I have already been fingerprinted. Yup, by the state police. Why again, then you ask? Well, because the police were being very organized and lost them. Four weeks after the fact, I call looking for my results, and they can't find them anywhere....no record of any kind. "Um, are you sure you had them done?" Well, I might have imagined the burly little cop waddling down the hall in front of me and trying unsuccessfully to make convo, but no, I have a receipt stating that I payed you $65 dollars to jerk me around, thanks. Well, not only did they lose my prints, they also decided that they no longer are doing printing....too hard to keep track of, maybe? Right, anyway, so they sent me a check refunding my money and sent me to the idiots I encountered today.
After 2 hours of run-around, I said screw it. This is technically my employer's responsiblity. She has to have the information for the state, and if she can't find the form or figure out what she needs to do, that's not my problem. She wants this information so she won't be fined by the state, yet I am paying the money to have it done.....she can at least find the correct freakin' form.
Ok....rant done and blood pressure slowly returning to normal. Thank you for your patience. Now, happier things....
Mom and Dad went out of town the other day (this is not the happier thing, just the start to the story). Michael and I decided to fight boredom together and go get coffee downtown. We took my laptop and fiddled for an hour, and then decided to go play with my camera for a while. *side note....does anyone else feel touristy carrying a camera around downtown? I sure do. But we aren't just snapping photos of those nice statues-we like to defile them with slightly dirty acts... anywho, moving on* We took a bunch around by the Tridge and at Emerson Park...'twas good fun :).

I have already been fingerprinted. Yup, by the state police. Why again, then you ask? Well, because the police were being very organized and lost them. Four weeks after the fact, I call looking for my results, and they can't find them anywhere....no record of any kind. "Um, are you sure you had them done?" Well, I might have imagined the burly little cop waddling down the hall in front of me and trying unsuccessfully to make convo, but no, I have a receipt stating that I payed you $65 dollars to jerk me around, thanks. Well, not only did they lose my prints, they also decided that they no longer are doing printing....too hard to keep track of, maybe? Right, anyway, so they sent me a check refunding my money and sent me to the idiots I encountered today.
After 2 hours of run-around, I said screw it. This is technically my employer's responsiblity. She has to have the information for the state, and if she can't find the form or figure out what she needs to do, that's not my problem. She wants this information so she won't be fined by the state, yet I am paying the money to have it done.....she can at least find the correct freakin' form.
Ok....rant done and blood pressure slowly returning to normal. Thank you for your patience. Now, happier things....
Mom and Dad went out of town the other day (this is not the happier thing, just the start to the story). Michael and I decided to fight boredom together and go get coffee downtown. We took my laptop and fiddled for an hour, and then decided to go play with my camera for a while. *side note....does anyone else feel touristy carrying a camera around downtown? I sure do. But we aren't just snapping photos of those nice statues-we like to defile them with slightly dirty acts... anywho, moving on* We took a bunch around by the Tridge and at Emerson Park...'twas good fun :).

Later, we headed home and made chicken alfredo and cherry cheesecake for din-din....mmm tasty. Nothing beats boredom like a little quality sibling-time :D.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Where I've Been
Sorry....due to the lack of high speed internet, my blogging has taken a bit of a break. So to update you...this is where I have been.

This is me and Owen after the fall....no, I don't look very happy, cuz well, I'm not....No major injuries, besides my ego. If you look closely, you can see the sand in my hair....lovely.
Payne Lake:
All the girls I am living with this year, the girl I lived with last year and I got together at Kait's cottage for a girls' weekend. We learned to waterski, went tubing and soaked up some sun. It was a blast, and the sunburn/peeling has finally subsided. ;)
Ok, well that about covers it....don't worry, once I get back to school, posts will be more frequent. Only 19 more days......WAHOO!!!!! :D :D :D
Same old, same old. My last day is the 21st and I don't think I will be coming back to work for this place.....I love the residents, but the staff, not so much. No major problems, just don't agree with their methods and treatment of the residents.
Walmart, Meijer's, Etc:
Buying stuff for the apartment...YAY!!!!! We move in on the 23rd....CAN'T WAIT,CAN'T WAIT, CAN'T WAIT!
Leland, Lelanau, Sleeping Bear Dunes, Traverse City, Charlevoix, Harbor Springs:
Owen and I took a day trip all along the west side of the state. We got horribly lost and didn't get home until 3am, but it was so much fun!....Minus the part where I cartwheeled down a giant sand dune.

Yup, I thought I could run down this giat hill....wrong. I couldn't control my legs. I tried to tuck and roll which actually turned out to be a face plant. However, I was going so fast, my body flipped over my face and I landed on my back....with 18 pounds of sand up my nose.

This is me and Owen after the fall....no, I don't look very happy, cuz well, I'm not....No major injuries, besides my ego. If you look closely, you can see the sand in my hair....lovely.
Payne Lake:
All the girls I am living with this year, the girl I lived with last year and I got together at Kait's cottage for a girls' weekend. We learned to waterski, went tubing and soaked up some sun. It was a blast, and the sunburn/peeling has finally subsided. ;)
L to R: Kait D, Megan, Kait P, Deirdre, Me
Me learning to ski.....on the short rope.....

Ok, well that about covers it....don't worry, once I get back to school, posts will be more frequent. Only 19 more days......WAHOO!!!!! :D :D :D
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