Tuesday, July 25, 2006


So it's been awhile....here's what's new (and kinda old):

Chemistry is...still chemistry. I had my first exam and honestly thought I out and out failed it. However, I got a whopping 74%. Crap. I am going to have to work my arse off to pull off a stellar grade in this class.

The guy I met at the block party in St. Clair Shores came to visit me for a weekend. Mom and Dad couldn't stand him and I soon realized, neither could I. He was a pompous ass the entire weekend. If that wasn't enough, he called me on Monday and tried to tell me I was going to get a text plan whether I liked it or not so he could send me texts. I thought he was kidding; he wasn't. I promptly said goodbye...for good.

I can't wait for school to start. I move in Aug. 20th...a week early. I have to be there early to help the freshmen move in. A lot of my friends are also moving in early so we will have lots of time to catch up. CAN"T WAIT!

I HATE MY JOB. I used to look forward to coming to work and now I dread it. I don't make enough money to work as hard as I do. I make around $20 in tips each night which sucks when I only make 2.65 an hour. My friend, Meg, works at a restaurant too and makes like $80 for the same amount of time. I picked the wrong place to work.... I will not be returning next summer.

Okay...I think we are all caught up. Two days until my weekend starts....seems like an eternity. Now though, it's time for work....bleh. TTFN

1 comment:

jt said...

Thank goodness waitressing is simply a summer job... and not a career, huh. (By the Grace of God...) That's why I like to tip well. The older the waitress, the more I tip, out of sympathy and thankfulness (that it's not me). Good luck on your chemistry, Chelle, though it won't be luck, it'll be your hard work and smarts that gets you that stellar grade. Less than 3 weeks & you'll be gone again... ***sniff sniff***
XOXOXO Aunt Julie